Below are the standard booking fees, however quotes may vary depending on the request. Please see full terms and conditions below for further information.
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Evening, Weekend & Bank Holidays
All bookings are subject to a minimum 2hr fee and cancellation terms as outlined below.
All bookings once confirmed verbally, by email or in writing will be subject to these terms and conditions and will be assumed as accepted by all parties, unless otherwise informed by email or in writing that a variant of terms and conditions is to be negotiated.
- During normal working hours (Mon-Fri 9-5), £40 per hour.
- Out of hours (evenings, weekends & bank holidays), £45 per hour
- Performance, Events and Conference bookings fees are available on request.
- All bookings are subject to a minimum 2 hr fee.
- Quotes will vary based on the booking request i.e. location, preparation time, recorded sessions etc.
- Invoices are to be paid within 30 days or additional charges will be applied.
All cancellations are treated as follows:
- Cancelled more than 14 days prior to booking ,no charge.
- Cancelled between 8-14 days, 50% of fee.
- Cancelled 7 days or less, 100% of the fee.
- Any travel expense already incurred will also be charged.
- Postponed bookings will be treated in the same manner as cancellations.
- A charge of £0.45 per mile will be charged on all bookings, as will any car parking costs incurred.
- If a booking involves a total of 3 hrs (or more) of travel, then I reserve the right to charge travel time. This is worked out by dividing the travel time in half, then charging the hourly rate for that time (e.g. 4 hrs travel will be charged as 2 hrs = £80).
- In the event of longer travel hours reasonable subsistence costs may be charged.
- If the service user(s) fails to attend, I will wait 20mins before leaving.
- This is applicable to all bookings and the full fee will still be charged.
- If I arrive at a booking and it is substantially different to what I was led to expect, I reserve the right to leave (according to my Code of Ethics), and still charge the full fee.
If a booking exceeds the allocated time, and I am available to stay, an additional fee will be incurred.
- Where overnight accommodation is required and not provided by the contractor, accommodation costs and reasonable subsistence costs will be charged.
- If this is applicable, expense limits will be agreed with the contractor prior to the booking.
- Bookings over 2hrs continuous interpreting, or of a complex nature will usually require two or more interpreters.
- If only one interpreter is booked, the fee with be charged at time and a half with breaks expected.
- I understand and will exercise my statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the late payment legislation if I am not paid according to the agreed credit terms.
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